We'll be happy to answer your questions
and accept any requests for prayers.

You can contact us at:

Email: chatzot18@gmail.com
WhatsApp 972527628272

P.O.B. 30067
Beitar Illit
ISRAEL 99879

Telephone the Rosh Kollel
HaRav Y.M. Deutsch
Tel.: 1-646-403-3750
Fax: +972-2-5805123

c/o Friedman
1540 40th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11218


You can donate any amount to support the Kollel and gain the merit of the learning.

Your contribution is tax deductible under the U.S. IRS 501c3 tax code. U.S. tax number: 20-0447034 (of Congregation Zichron Avos).

The Kollel reads Tikkun Chatzos
Rav Deutsch addresses the group
The Kollel prays at the Kotel, and reads the names of the donors at the holy site
The Kollel at the burial place of Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai in Meron